Scarborough and Ryedale Carers Resource united in song via Zoom and mobile phones

The Scarborough carers recorded a cover version of United Together via Zoom and mobile phones.The Scarborough carers recorded a cover version of United Together via Zoom and mobile phones.
The Scarborough carers recorded a cover version of United Together via Zoom and mobile phones.
A song penned by a Yorkshire entrepreneur and philanthropist during lockdown has helped raise more than £10,000 for the Carers Trust’s Emergency fund.

The money raised will support unpaid carers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Prof Graham Leslie CBE wrote his song United Together at the beginning of the lockdown with help from Hollywood composer Benson Taylor, who helped produce it, and alternative rock guitarist James Brown, from UK band Pulled Apart By Horses, who played the guitar.

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Scarborough and Ryedale Carers Resource came together to create a cover version of the tune having been inspired by the words. Their version was first featured during Carers’ Week.

The song was recorded via Zoom and mobile phone, and produced into a well co-ordinated collaborative piece by William Hatton-Price.

Prof Leslie is a long-standing supporter of the Carers Trust having spent time caring for his own mother when she became ill.

He said: “Millions of carers across the UK work tirelessly to look after others and often with little in return, so I wanted to give something back , especially during these challenging times.”

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Visit to see both versions of the United Together songs.

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