Talented Bridlington youngsters now have the chance to scoop a grant from the Parker Home Trust

Bridlington youngsters are presented with their cheques from the Parker Home Trust during an event at the Bridlington Spa in 2019.Bridlington youngsters are presented with their cheques from the Parker Home Trust during an event at the Bridlington Spa in 2019.
Bridlington youngsters are presented with their cheques from the Parker Home Trust during an event at the Bridlington Spa in 2019.
Talented youngsters in Bridlington are being invited to apply for a grant from the Parker Home Trust.

The Parker Home Trust was set up several years ago originating from a bequest by a Mr Parker whose purpose was to benefit the children of Burlington (later changed to the whole of Bridlington).

The money was used to establish the Parker Children’s Home on Marton Road, which was later sold and the proceeds used to create the Parker Home Trust.

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The interest from the money received from the sale of the home is now used to benefit boys and girls under the age of 18 who live in Bridlington.

A spokesperson said: “Young gymnasts, dancers, swimmers, athletes, musicians and budding authors have previously benefitted from the grant and money is available for children who have a special talent in any area.

Youngsters who believe they might be eligible to benefit from the trust should complete an application form, available by emailing the clerk to the trustees Jayne Dale at [email protected], and return it no later than Tuesday, May 31.”

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