Hotel at Sandsend, near Whitby, applies for licence to serve customers outside

The Beach Hotel, Sandsend.
picture: Google imagesThe Beach Hotel, Sandsend.
picture: Google images
The Beach Hotel, Sandsend. picture: Google images
A hotel near Whitby has become the latest in the borough to apply for a licence to serve its customers outside.

Graham Wilson of the Beach Hotel in Sandsend has applied for a pavement licence from Scarborough Council to allow it to have outside seating.

The application, which is now out to consultation until Wednesday next week, states that it is for “outdoor seating to the front of the premises for serving of food and drink.”

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The government legislation brought in last year, designed to promote economic recovery and growth in response to the coronavirus pandemic, introduced an easier pavement licence application process for businesses that already serve food and drink.

Planning permission is also temporarily waived for pavement licences and the process is sped up to limit the waiting times for those applying.

The aim of the legislation is to help protect hospitality businesses and give them the opportunity to maximise their income potential whilst social distancing measures remain in place.

As part of the decision-making process, Scarborough Council consults with its own environmental health team, the highways authority, North Yorkshire Police and the public.

Last week, Alena's Kitchen and Creams in Scarborough were granted pavement licences.

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